Thursday, August 4, 2011

Proper Bee Extermination Will Eliminate The Bees Successfully

It may sound patronizing, but if you fear and hate bees, then you are not alone. Many would attest by your side that they too have great loathing and anxiety at the very sight of a bee. Truly, these are not misplaced fears, hence we cannot blame them. In fact, we have all the reasons to fear the flying rascals. Being stung by a bee is no laughing matter, so is being hunted by a swarm of bees not a good image to conjure to one’s mind. These are exactly the reasons why most of us dread the thought of running into these vexatious floating insects.

Incongruous to it all is the question that many are asking about the bees and its seemingly dangerous attitude. It may be argued that the whole thing has been blown out of proportion. How these flying fiends – so small, so incongruous – generate such terror in us. Are all of these accusations for real or just imagined, we ask ourselves. We may unjustly fear the bees for all for the wrong reasons.

Our environment has much to be thankful to the bees for helping maintain its ecological balance. They also help in the pollination and growth of plants and flowers. It produces one of the sweetest, most natural nectar of the world which is the honeybee. If a bee really does these wonderful things, why do we hire bee extermination specialist to get rid of it? Why don’t we just let them roam the skies so it can better help our environment? Hearing all of this makes us the nasty and not them.

If we weed out the facts from the hearsay, the answer to all these confusing allegations is not that complicated – just plain and simple and nothing out of the ordinary. Bees have the temerity to attack and injure people without the slightest reason or provocation. They are unstable and you cannot second-guess what they are up to. With a sting that is excruciating painful, you cannot blame people for fearing it and wanting proper bee extermination treatment as a solution against it. An attack of a swarm of bees is more than enough to get you straight to the hospital’s emergency ward.

Should the wilderness prove enough wandering place for the bees, then all these problems and complications could have been avoided. That is their territory, they are at their element. We can leave them at peace and have no need for any bee extermination treatment. However, the problem here is lies in the fact that bees venture out of these places and into ours. When they are intruding into our own backyard, they pose a grave threat to the people living around. There is no telling what they can do and at the same time, they will hold the residents at fear, afraid to come out for dread of being stung. This conjures the reason why we hold great fright against bees and why we are taking precautions against it. Are bees our enemy? Definitely not, what we are aiming is to protect ourselves against them – and nothing else.

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